Monday-Friday: 8:30am to 5:30pm

Truck traffic shows no signs of letting up, and truck accidents are among the deadliest on our roadways. If a truck driver’s negligence leaves you injured in a truck accident, protecting your rights – in pursuit of the compensation to which you are entitled and that you need to fully recover – is key. Turn to an experienced Rochester truck accident attorney for the help you need.

Understanding New York’s No-Fault System

New York requires every motorist to carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, which comes into play in the event of a traffic accident, such as a truck accident. If you’re injured in an accident, you’ll file your claim with your own policy, which covers you for economic damages that include your medical expenses and lost income. The intent behind this no-fault system is to streamline the claims process.

Only if certain conditions are met you suffer a serious injury like a broken bone, can you file your claim against the at-fault truck driver. The immense weight differential between massive semis and the relatively small cars that we drive, however, almost guarantees that related losses will be serious.

Pain and Suffering

No-fault coverage does not address noneconomic damages like the physical and emotional pain and suffering that accident victims often face. This form of damage can be overwhelming, and many victims find it difficult to overcome. If a truck driver’s negligence leaves you seriously injured, a knowledgeable truck accident attorney can help.

Truck Drivers Are Professional Drivers

While we’re all responsible for driving safely, truck drivers are professional drivers who are held to more rigid safety guidelines. Truck drivers are subject to NY state and federal laws regarding the use and operation of their rigs. They face challenges that they’re called upon to safely address behind the wheel, including:

  • Their rigs require much longer stopping distances.
  • They experience much larger blind spots.
  • Improperly loaded cargos can leave them more vulnerable to rollovers – as do curves and exits taken at excess speed.
  • Their tractor-trailers are susceptible to jackknifing on wet, slippery roads and in response to over-corrections behind the wheel.
  • They spend long hours on the road, which leaves them more vulnerable to drowsy driving.


The trucker claims I’m at fault. What should I do?

Proving fault in your truck accident claim comes down to evidence, and your diligent truck accident attorney is well-prepared to prove that negligence lies with the truck driver.

Shouldn’t I wait to see what the insurance company offers?

The insurance company handling your claim is invested in keeping your settlement as low as possible. A better practice is working closely with a persuasive truck accident attorney from the start.

Can I afford a truck accident attorney?

Yes, you can afford a truck accident attorney and are well advised to hire one. Most work on contingency, which means they don’t get paid until their clients’ claims are successfully resolved.

An Experienced Rochester Truck Accident Attorney Is on Your Side

The resourceful Rochester Truck accident attorneys at Steve Foley Law Firm have reserves of experience guiding complex truck accident claims toward optimal outcomes, and we look forward to helping you. To learn more, please don’t wait to contact us or call us at 716-249-2222 today.